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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sorry!- Again....

Title says it all. can't sleep. piano lesson tomorrow. haven't practiced once. have a friend over. she's asleep. that friendship is falling apart and so is my blog. oops.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My personal DNA

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Sorry! I haven't posted in a long time. I know. your heart broken. whatever. anyway, I have a feeling this day is going to be very eventful. woke up 2 hours late, chased a chicken for my ponytail, dodging being seen by cars because I'm in all-pink pj's and a barn coat and rubber boots. then my new neighbor see's me run and jump for my shed. yay.
                      Post Back Later,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

kinda random?

So, we go on vacation every other year. we go to an island of of the gulf of mexico. it's tiny and fun. here's a pic. (By the way... i took it) 



So, the glass house was awesome. just put up the tree. so I changed the name of my blog from "lined papers" to"wacked out ramblings" should I change it back? hmmmm... answer if your out there. my niece is coming over tomorrow to help decorate the tree. first time! at first I was a little dissapointed we had to give up our closed tradtion of just us girls and mom and dad. but hey, she's my niece and I love her =)) disapointment: gone. Excitment: HERE!!! maybe I'll make CHRISTmas cookies for a tea-party.... she loves those! she's turning 4 this February! crazy!
                            Ha, Later,
                                             Wacky =))

Friday, December 2, 2011

Movie Night!

Finished Brave heart tonight. it was an epic movie. (not like "epic fail" like the dictonary def.) next up: The Glass House. can't wait!! my favorite movies ever are the Lord of the Ring Trilogy. What's yours?

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Watching brave heart.  count as british lit. oh, yeah. I'm home schooled. :D